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Count Me In Census 2020



Every 10 years the United States Census Bureau conducts a count of all the nations' residents. The next Census Day is April 1st, 2020. Getting counted is an important way to contibute to your community, today and for the next 10 years.

Census data impacts essential public services provided by states and local governments like healthcare, public safety, education and transportation. Also, the Census determines our representation in Congress and is used in redistricting at the state and local level. Your participation in the 2020 Census is safe and important to our community's future.

While Census day is not until April 1st, 2020, you can expect to see Census forms begin to arrive in the mail starting in mid-March. Ninety-five percent of households will receive their Census form in the mail, but you are welcome to respond in the way that works best for you; mail, on-line, or telephone.

More information will be posted here as we get closer to April 1st - but plan on being...

Counted In Census 2020